Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter Four: Explicit Instruction in Comprehension

     While reading this chapter, one thing really stuck out to me, and that was the part about the 'Scripted Instruction' and the 'Direct Instruction'. This really frightened me because I do not want to have to teach through what can be described as reading a script. In one of my other education classes, somewhere in our country (can't remember where), they wanted to do this in the classroom. This is petrifying as a future educator, because I don't feel that you would need a degree to this, and you could probably just hire a person off of the street to read a prompt to students! I may sound dramatic here but I just really support the direct approach, and I hope it stays that way.
     In other news, I liked the part with Kate and how her lessons continued to grow and improve. Hopefully we all will have some form of mentor like Kylene Beers when we teach and make lesson plans, at least for the first couple of years. If not, at least we have her text. -Katie May


  1. After reading that same section about direct and scripted instruction, I was a little annoyed with the scripted instruction. I think if we resort to that then classrooms will steadily go down hill. And I agree with what you said about anyone could do that, it's true. After reading that I was thinking well why would I go through allll this schooling just to have some script to read off of. Lets just hope we will never have to do that.

  2. I agree with your distaste for scripted instruction, i would hate to have to go into a classroom a just teach from a book, I have teachers that simply do what te text book a nd what the publishign company asy are good ways to teach. But i feel we should learn to instruct from what we learn from our proffessors and our experiecnes. That being said, we as educators should always remeber that we can learn from other and that their is ways for us to get better even if we do land a good teching gig.

  3. I definitely agree with this. I can't believe that scripted instruction is permitted in classrooms. Scripted instruction completely ignores students' individual needs and paces of learning, which are both very important. Not all students learn exactly the same way, so they shouldn't all be taught the same way either.
