Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FOOT - Lie to Me

     I recently found an incredible show through Netflix instant streaming. It is called Lie to Me, and stars one of my favorite actors, Tim Roth. He plays Dr. Cal Lightman, a behavioral psychologist who is basically a human lie detector. He works with three other scientists and they work with the FBI and the police to help solve various mysteries and/or crimes. I know it is a few years old, but my boyfriend and I have been obsessed since we found it. Dr. Lightman studies micro-expressions, which are expressions hidden beneath other expressions that people are trying to hide. He also shows us how real expressions are universal, and we can't help it when we make them. The show  constantly compares the expressions of the people on the show who are lying to celebrities or political figures who make the same face. It is very interesting, and Tim Roth is a complete badass in the show. I have included the trailer, and encourage anybody to check it out. It's funny, entertaining and fascinating!


  1. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! I wish I could do what he does... Did you know the show is based on the real scientist Dr. Paul Ekman. Dr Ekman has even written books. I want to get one of his books to learn more about learning how to tell if someone is lying to me.

  2. I wanted to watch this show so badly when it first came out. I just haven't had the time to catch up with it. It is so interesting though, like Bo I wish I could do what he does. and Bo, I didn't know this show was based off a real scientist that is amazing!

  3. I know Bo, I would love to read his book! This show is SO good!
