Thursday, March 31, 2011

FOOT - Pleasure Text


     A show that my boyfriend and I have recently been indulging in lately is called Reaper, and it aired a few years ago on the CW. We found it on Netflix instant streaming, and decided to give it a try because a friend said he loved it. After the first episode, we were hooked! It was directed by Kevin Smith, who is Silent Bob in the Clerks movies, and he is hilarious. The main actor, Bret Harrison, is fantastic and does physical comedy very well.

     The show centers around Sam Oliver, an employee at The Work Bench, which is basically a Lowes or Home Depot kind of store. He works with his two best friends, Sock and Ben, and his crush, Andi. On his twenty-first birthday, he finds out that his parents sold his soul to the devil but that he could not take it until he was twenty-one. Sam's father was very ill, and the Devil visited him and told him he would save his life if he could have his first son's soul. The parents accepted this and planned to never have children, but we find out that a fertility doctor also sold his soul and the only way to get out was to lie and tell Sam's parents that they were infertile. Basically, Sam is screwed and has to work as the Devil's bounty hunter.

     The Devil is played by Ray Wise, and he is hilarious. The whole show is centered on Sam's bad luck and hilarious ways he tries to be the 'bounty hunter' and catch souls for the Devil. He has to catch the evil souls who break out of hell and send them back through vessels, which can be anything from a Dirt Devil to a toaster. He then transports them to the BMV, which is 'hell on Earth' and they get sent back. The show is witty and very entertaining, but unfortunately only lasted two seasons. As of right now, we have one episode left, and we don't want to watch it because we don't want it to end. I would highly recommend this show to anybody who can deal with the super-natural. It's hilarious, and I think I am going to buy it on DVD for sure. Here is the trailer, which shows most of the first episode.

     The funny thing is in the trailer, Andi is played by a totally different person. I read online that they replaced her after the pilot, and they went back and shot all of her scenes with a new actress for some reason.


  1. This looks like a really cool show. I know that there is another show that is kind of like this called "Dead Like Me" where the main character is a grim reaper. It used to be on Syfy and Showtime. If the supernatural is something you are into, it might be something to check out.

  2. So funny that you brought this up! I just starting watching this show :)
