Wednesday, March 30, 2011

FOOT - Cleveland Film Festival Experience

Crime After Crime at the Cleveland Film Festival

     Above is the trailer for the movie I went to see today. I went with Rosey from class as well as my mom. We all really enjoyed the movie, which I will go into more detail on in my next entry. I wanted to include the trailer here since I have a feeling that my other entry will be quite lengthy. 

    The familiar smell of popcorn and the sight of overpriced candy was at this theater as well as others, but it was overwhelmingly busy as well as filled with very excited people. I suppose I never really thought about the fact that this festival is international and has films and film crew from all over the world. In fact, a fair amount of the movies that were available for viewing had subtitles or actors with thick accents. I think it is really neat that we can go and see these films so close to us; I think we're lucky.

     Overall I really enjoyed my time. I loved how the assistant director of the festival would talk to the audience before the film and how the director stayed to answer questions afterward. It was also great to shake the director's hand and talk with him after the show. I think that these interactions and introductions really helped shape this experience into something special and separated it from an everyday movie theater experience. I suppose that I never thought that talking to the director would be an actual possibility, but I remember that I went to the festival when I was in high school and that happened then as well. I would really like to go and continue an annual trip to the film festival next year!

Update 3/31/2011: I forgot to mention the best part....there were NO kids!!!!

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